Call for Submissions: My Body, My Truth
My Body, My Truth
Curated by The Association of Hysteric Curators
My Body, My Truth focuses on issues of body autonomy, from the fight to preserve reproductive rights to issues of gender identity. Control over another’s body in American culture is perhaps the most pernicious and vivid vestige of colonial control. America was founded on the violent removal of indigenous people, Black slavery, and explicit control over women and the poor.
What started as a conversation about abortion in the AHC, evolved to become a larger discussion on the notions of body autonomy. It is incumbent upon us, as products of American culture, to understand how this historical foundation informs our current values of the body. My Body, My Truth proposes an exploration of the assertion of corporeal control, from issues of gender identity, abortion, sexual expression, race, and the overlap of shared resistance.
“As agents in a free society, we declare our bodies to be our self-evident truths and claim our rights as fundamental to our autonomy. Nobody, no one, no outsider, no person, no racist, no homophobe, who is not the body itself, determines the will or reality of that body. We are not forced to reproduce, nor is our gender determined by society's notion of heteronormativity. We are our own realities, our own bodies.”-Association of Hysteric Curators
Curated by The Association of Hysteric Curators, My Body My Truth, will be exhibited at Dog and Pony art space, directed by Christopher Russell, in September, 2021. Presented as works on paper, the show focuses on topics of choice, truth, and personal agency.
Application Link: